
Our anthracite is valued for its high carbon content, low impurities, and high calorific value. The main consumer is the metallurgical industry.

The ferrous metal industry is the main consumer of anthracite. Anthracite is used in the production of steel, cast iron, chromium, etc. The physical and chemical profile of anthracite allows for the production of high-quality metallurgical raw materials while reducing costs and environmental impact. The price of anthracite is lower than that of coke and comparable to the price of PCI coal.


The production process of anthracite is more environmentally friendly, compared to that of coke. In the chemical process industry, anthracite is used for the production of sugar and soda ash. In this area, low content of impurities and high heat transmission are also critical.

Anthracite fines

Raw anthracite is used as a natural substitution for coke. Anthracite fines are used in sintering, pelletizing, and PCI processes PCI consists anthracite and is used in blast furnace smelting of pig iron, thus reducing the consumption of expensive coke.

Size 0−6 mm 0−13 mm
Moisture max. 10% 10%
Ash max. 15% 12%
Volatiles max. 4% 4%
Sulfur max. 1% 1%
Fixed Carbon min. 81% 84%
0−1 mm. max. 25% 25%

Anthracite lumps / Charge carbon

Charge carbon is used for steel melting purposes in the EAF, to consume excess oxygen in the meltdown period, and also as a replacement of foundry and blast furnace coke.

Size 6−13 mm 6−13 mm 13−25 mm 25−70 mm
Moisture max. 9% 9% 8% 7%
Ash max. 10% 8% 9% 7%
Volatiles max. 4% 4% 4% 4%
Sulfur max. 1% 1% 1% 1%
Fixed Carbon min. 86% 88% 87% 89%
< mm. max. 12% 12% 12% 12%
> mm. max. 12% 12% 12% 12%
  • Charge of carbon bulk material (fraction 25−50 mm) in the convector allows to reduce the rate of liquid iron and increase the proportion of filled bar. Transfer to bar provides reduction of steel cost price.
  • Charge of carbon bulk material (fraction 25−50 mm) in the steelmaking furnace is realized by the charge into the charging basket with the bar or through the arch flow. The use of carbon materials in steelmaking furnaces provides scrap melting without the use of cold pig iron in furnace burden and reduction of energy consumption for steelmaking.

Injection carbon

Injection carbon is crushed, screened, and dried anthracite, used as a slag foaming agent in the EAF to increase productivity, lower operating costs, and better the quality of produced steel.

Size 0−1 mm, 0.3−3 mm, 1−3 mm, 1−4mm, 2−6 mm, 5−15 mm and etc.
Moisture max. 2% 2% 2% 2%
Ash max. 4% 6% 10% 12%
Volatiles max. 2.5% 3% 3% 3%
Sulfur max. 1% 1% 1% 1%
Fixed Carbon min. 93% 91% 87% 85%
  • Usage in a ladle during the tapping from steel-making unit (convector, arc, and steelmaking furnaces). Carbon material of 0−10 fractions sits in a ladle during the tapping of the unit.

  • In ladle of ladle metallurgy facilities of LF type. Carburizing of steel is realized by coal injection (fraction 0−3mm) of steel liquid-alloy in inert gas current with the help of immersion lance. The set of bulk material (fraction 0−10 mm) onto the bared metal surface in the bottom tuyere operating zone for argon blow is possible.

  • Carbon material powder (fraction 0−3 mm) is injected into the liquid bath of arc steelmaking furnace simultaneously with the delivery of oxygen. Sponging is realized through CO bubble floating due to air oxidation of metal carbon. The usage of powder is usually 5−10 kg/t of steel. The arc is constantly closed by slag during the work with foamed slag that allows to exclude the negative influence of the arc on water cool element of the furnace and give ultimate output and thermal effectiveness. It increases the productivity of arc steelmaking furnace and reduces the energy consumption for steelmaking.

Calcined anthracite / Recarburizers

Calcined anthracite is frequently used as a recarburizer in ladle and blast furnaces in steel mills, and in producing carbon blocks and tamping paste. It is also used to replace calcined oil coke in specific applications in the production of ductile and grey irons.

Size 1−3 mm, 1−6 mm, 5−15mm, 10−30mm and etc.
Moisture max. 1% (typ 0.7%)
Ash max. 3.5% (typ. 2.5%)
Volatiles max. 1.5% (typ. 1%)
Sulfur max. 0.8% (typ. 0.6%)
Fixed Carbon min. 95% (typ. 96%)


Filter media has found wide application basically in all real sectors and work circles of manufacturers and companies that perform water treatment of potable, industrial, and wastewaters of all main types of impurities.

Carbon — min. 90.0%
Ash — max. 7.0%
Sulfur — max. 1.0%
Moisture — max. 3.0%
Density 1600 kg/m3
Bulk density approx. 900 kg/m3
Porosity max. 60.0%
Porosity min. 32.0%
**Mechanical strength**
attrition loss — max. 0.3%
refinability — max. 3.0%
hardness 4 Mohs
**Chemical resistance**
acid solubility — max. 1.0%
caustic solubility — max. 1.0%
Content of main grain size — min. 90.0%
Volatile — max. 3.5%

Spheres of application: Power, Black and nonferrous metallurgy, The chemical industry, Petroleum-refining industry, Coal-mining branch, Pulp and paper industry, The textile industry, Industrial water supply, The food-processing industry, Engineering-meliorative systems of agricultural water supply.

Hydroanthracite filter media provides: Removal of the hard suspended particles and colloid impurities, Condensate filtration, Protection of coal filters, ion exchangers and RO membranes, Filtration of reverse cycles, Filtration of coagulated water, Filtration of surface and artesian water, Filtration of waste water.

Anthracite filter media with certain fractional structure is also applied as a spreading and supporting layer in multilayer filters. Recommended fractional composition of filter media:

  • filter layer (mm): 0.5−1.2, 0.6−1.2, 0.6−1.6, 0.6−1.8, 0.8−2.0, 1.0−3.0
  • filter supporting layer (mm): 2.0−3.0, 2.0−4.0, 2.0−5.0, 3.0−6.0;

We can produce filter media of any grain sizes by customer’s demand.